webOS 云服务即将关闭

hp将webos开源之后,只听到消息lg将其应用到平板电视中,其他的相关信息鲜有发布。touchpad也从自己手里变成了pdf和word文档的阅读器。想对于当年99美元的价格,到目前还是物超所值的。翻看邮箱,发现收到一封邮件”webOS Cloud Services to end soon“,邮件内容如下:

As previously announced, cloud services support for webOS devices was to end on January 15, 2015. To assist customers in transitioning in new services, we have decided to extend the shutdown date by two months. The new end date is March 15, 2015


We appreciate our customers’ loyalty to the webOS platform. But now, more than three (3) years after the last device was sold, only a small fraction of the devices are still connecting. Therefore, the time has come to shut down the services.


All devices running webOS will continue to run after the cloud services are terminated. However, they will no longer be able to:


  • Download new apps or updates. The HP App Catalog will be unavailable after the shutdown
  • Backup or restore devices from the cloud
  • Setup new devices
  • Recover lost passwords


What this means to you:


  • The HP App Catalog no longer supports new app purchases as of November 1, 2014.
  • Updates may have been posted by developers until November 10, 2014 and users can download any available updates until the services shut down
  • You should make arrangements to backup or transfer your contacts, etc.prior to the service shutdown on March 15, 2015
  • You will no longer be able to backup, restore, reset or initialize a webOS device as of March 15, 2015.


There will be additional reminders as the new date for final shutdown approaches. An FAQ can be found at https://developer.palm.com/content/resources/develop/faq.html



  • 10/15/14          Announcement to users and developers COMPLETE
  • 11/1/14            New app purchases end COMPLETE
  • 11/10/14          App update submissions end
  • 3/15/15            Public shutdown of services


HP webOS Cloud Services



webOS 云服务即将关闭》有1个想法

  1. xyu_ovi

    我去! 随便翻了下博主的文章。发现几年我们干的事差不多。连时间都差不多。

    域名注册时间 玩blogger 玩Micolog 办护照时间 美股开户时间。



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